
Darkling Beetle (Eleodes spp.)

When a blind beetle crawls over the surface of a globe he doesn’t notice that the track he has covered is curved. I was lucky enough to have spotted it.  – Albert Einstein. These are black beetles about 0.2 – 0.8 inches in size.  The Family Tenebrionidae includes a number of genera and species that

Darkling Beetle (Eleodes spp.) Read More »

Forest Dormouse (Dryomys nitedula)

You might just as well say,’ added the Dormouse, who seemed to be talking in his sleep, that “I breathe when I sleep” is the same thing as “I sleep when I breathe”!’  Lewis Carrol, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. This is a rodent that is widely found throughout eastern Europe, the Balkan region, and Central

Forest Dormouse (Dryomys nitedula) Read More »